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Bunker fuel procurement driven by data and intelligence

With a future focused on decarbonisation, we are faced with more fuel choices than ever before, with biofuel blends, LNG, methanol, and ammonia all in the running. Your bunkering strategy requires thoughtful planning to consider all the variables, with regulatory compliance, reputation, and profitability at stake.

Introducing ENGINE X

Powered by the ENGINE Platform, the largest database of marine fuels data in the world, our trading specialists combine local knowledge with the industry’s best market intelligence to improve decision making and drive positive results.

Our Services

ENGINE X goes beyond traditional bunker fuel procurement by offering end-to-end solutions. With a 24-hour 365-day global network, we are here to help you optimise and execute your enhanced bunkering strategy.

In addition to trading all commercial grades of marine fuels, we have been awarded certification from the International Sustainability & Carbon Certification (ISCC) scheme for the trading of biofuels. This demonstrates that the biofuels we trade come from sustainable and ethical sources, and we can provide the Proof of Sustainability (PoS) document required to verify this with regulators.

Competitive pricing in both large and small ports

Close relationships with hundreds of suppliers

Flexible credit and supply terms, including BIMCO

Helping you minimise off-specs and claims, avoiding delays

Improving your procurement through benchmarking

Optimisation and improvement of CII through efficient bunker procurement

ISCC certified to trade compliant biofuels

ISO 9001:2015 certified DOWNLOAD CERTIFICATE


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The World’s First Marine Fuel
Benchmarking Platform
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