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Price Assessment

The Problem... Opacity

Pricing is inherently one of the most opaque aspects of the bunker market, with transactions worth millions of dollars taking place with very limited visibility which affects shipowners. This limited visibility in part stems from the fact that currently there are no indexes or benchmarks that capture the market accurately, timely and widely enough to serve market participants in their day-to-day transacting. Most of the references available, cover only a selection of ports and are rarely based on actual transactions.  With varying assessment methodologies, often quite opaque themselves, and daily reporting on a backward-looking basis that fail to capture the intra-day movements which market participants are exposed to.

The Solution... Real-time pricing

Leveraging the large amount of data the platform holds, ENGINE has the ability to assess and report market movements as they occur. This spares market participants the need to rely on indexes that, at best, capture the historical rather than the current market. Actual transactions are anonymised and recorded as they occur so platform users can form a judgement on how the market is behaving and adjust their decision making accordingly. Users can analyse each individual transaction or simply rely on ENGINE’s composite price which is an aggregation of all transactions taking place in real time.

Price Assessment

Pricing is inherently one of the opaquest aspects of the bunker market, with transactions worth millions of dollars taking place With limited visibility in pricing which affects shipowners and suppliers alike.



$ 517


$ 498


$ 526


$ 550


Price Assessment



$ 517


$ 498


$ 526


$ 550

The Problem... Opacity

Pricing is inherently one of the most opaque aspects of the bunker market, with transactions worth millions of dollars taking place with very limited visibility which affects shipowners. This limited visibility in part stems from the fact that currently there are no indexes or benchmarks that capture the market accurately, timely and widely enough to serve market participants in their day-to-day transacting. Most of the references available, cover only a selection of ports and are rarely based on actual transactions.  With varying assessment methodologies, often quite opaque themselves, and daily reporting on a backward-looking basis that fail to capture the intra-day movements which market participants are exposed to.

The Solution... Real-time pricing

Leveraging the large amount of data the platform holds, ENGINE has the ability to assess and report market movements as they occur. This spares market participants the need to rely on indexes that, at best, capture the historical rather than the current market. Actual transactions are anonymised and recorded as they occur so platform users can form a judgement on how the market is behaving and adjust their decision making accordingly. Users can analyse each individual transaction or simply rely on ENGINE’s composite price which is an aggregation of all transactions taking place in real time.

One screen, all the data

No system is able to predict where prices will go, ENGINE will come impossibly close…Providing users with all available information and a simple interface making it easier to judge market direction. In one single screen, users can see composite real time prices and each contributing price point.

Compare multiple ports

ENGINE’s modular architecture allows users to see markets alongside each other and understand arbitrages, trends and most importantly, spot opportunities. Once you have a sense of where the market may be heading and the levels that suppliers are offering, identify the best bunkering opportunity by taking into account pricing, fuel quality, calorific value adjustments, density and quantity losses and execute accordingly.

Access Data

View bunker prices on the map, all typical fuel grades updated in real time. Simply select a port and let ENGINE show you how competitive its price is in comparison with other ports.


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