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ENGINE’s biofuel and LNG bunker prices available on LSEG Workspace

06 August 2024

ENGINE’s biofuel and LNG bunker prices now available on LSEG (London Stock Exchange Group) Workspace

Sustainable biofuels have been gaining popularity as a way to lighten the carbon footprints of ships, while LNG has recently been priced attractively against conventional fuel oils and gas oils for ships with dual-fuel engines.

ENGINE has been gathering and generating robust sustainable biofuel and LNG price benchmarks in response to heightened interest from bunker buyers. They are based on market information gathered by ENGINE’s reporters, and you can use them to gauge the competitiveness of alternative vs. conventional fuel prices. Prices provided include:

Delivered fossil LNG bunker prices ($/mt):

  • Singapore
  • ARA
  • Portugal
  • Baltics

Delivered bio-bunker blend prices ($/mt):

  • Singapore (B24-VLSFO UCOME)
  • Rotterdam (B30-VLSFO HBE)

Fabrice Maille, Head of Shipping & Agriculture at LSEG, commented:

“With a growing fleet of vessels capable of running on alternative bunkers, our shipping and chartering customers are increasingly interested in the economics of the bunker market. And as more shipowners look to alternative marine fuels as viable solutions for reducing their carbon footprints, we are pleased to be able to deliver key benchmark prices in partnership with ENGINE.”

These biofuel and LNG prices are updated weekly on the LSEG Workspace platform, and daily on the ENGINE platform.

For further information or media-related queries, please contact:  

Erik Hoffmann  
Phone: +44 755 7878 948  


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